Insert effect algorithm list
Insert effect algorithm list
This is a multi-effect designed for vocals. It provides the basic effects needed for vocals.
Parameter (full name) Setting Function
● COMP (Compressor): Compressor the entire output signals when the input volume exceeds a specified value.
Effect On/Off (Effect On/Off) OFF, ON This parameter turns the compressor effects on/off.
Sustain (Sustain) 0–100 Adjusts the range (time) over which low-level signals are boosted. Larger
values will result in longer sustain.
Attack (Attack) 0–100 Adjusts the strength of the attack. Larger values will result in a sharper
attack, creating a more clearly defined sound.
Level (Output Level) 0–100 Adjusts the volume.
● DES (De-esser): Useful for reducing ‘sibilant’ or ‘S’ sounds produced by a vocalist.
Effect On/Off (Effect On/Off) OFF, ON This parameter turns the de-esser effect on/off.
Sibilant Level (Sibilant Level) 0–100 Adjusts the sensitivity relative to the input volume, which controls how the
effect is applied.
Level (Level) 0–100 Adjusts the volume.
● ENH (Enhancer): This effect enhances the definition of the sound, and pushes it to the forefront.
Effect On/Off (Effect On/Off) OFF, ON This parameter turns the enhancer effect on/off.
Sensitivity (Sens) 0–100 Adjusts the manner in which the enhancer will be applied relative to the
input signals.
Frequency (Frequency) 1.0 –10.0 kHz Adjusts the frequency at which the enhancer effect will begin to be applied.
The effect will be made apparent in the frequencies above the frequency
set here.
Mix Level (Mix Level) 0–100 Adjusts the amount of phase-shifted sound of the range set by “Frequency”
that is to be mixed with the input.
Low Mix Level (Low Mix Level) 0–100 Adjusts the amount of phase-shifted sound of the lower range that is to be
mixed with the input.
Level (Level) 0–100 Adjusts the volume of the enhanced sound.
● EQ (Equalizer): A 4-band equalizer.
Effect On/Off (Effect On/Off) OFF, ON This parameter turns the equalizer effect on/off.
Low Gain (Low Gain) -20–+20 dB This parameter sets the gain (amount of boost or cut) for the bass
Low-Mid Gain (Low-Mid Gain) -20–+20 dB This parameter sets the gain (amount of boost or cut) for the low-midrange
Low-Mid Freq (Low-Mid Freq) 100–10.0 kHz This parameter sets the central frequency for the low-midrange equalizer.
Low-Mid Q (Low-Mid Q) 0.5–16 This parameter sets the range of change in gain for the frequency set by
“Low-Mid Freq.” A larger value results in a narrower range of change.
High-Mid Gain (High-Mid Gain) -20–+20 dB This parameter sets the gain (amount of boost or cut) for the high-midrange
High-Mid Freq (High-Mid Freq) 100–10.0 kHz This parameter sets the central frequency for the high-midrange equalizer.
High-Mid Q (High-Mid Q) 0.5–16 This parameter sets the range of change in gain for the frequency set by
“High-Mid Freq.” A larger value results in a narrower range of change.
High Gain (High Gain) -20–+20 dB This parameter sets the gain (amount of boost or cut) for the treble
Level (Output Level) -20–+20 dB This parameter adjusts the volume after the equalizer stage.
Compressor Equalizer
Pitch Shifter
Tr emolo/Pan
*1 Chorus can be replaced one of the following effects.