Insert effect algorithm list
Insert effect algorithm list
● NS (Noise Suppressor): This effect reduces the noise and hum.
Effect On/Off (Effect On/Off) OFF, ON This parameter turns the noise suppressor effect on/off.
Threshold (Threshold) * 0–100 Adjust this parameter as appropriate for the volume of the noise. If the
noise level is high, a higher setting is appropriate. If the noise level is low,
a lower setting is appropriate. Adjust this value until the decay of the sound
is as natural as possible.
Release (Release) 0–100 Adjusts the time from when the noise suppressor begins to function until
volume reaches “0.”
* High settings for the Threshold parameter may result in there being no sound when you play with your instruments volume turned down.
● DLY (Delay): This creates a thicker sound by applying a delayed sound to the direct sound.
Effect On/Off (Effect On/Off) OFF, ON This parameter turns the delay effect on/off.
Effect Type (Type) SINGLE This is a simple delay.
TAP The delayed sound is panned across the left and right channels. This will
be effective when stereo output is used.
Delay Time (Delay Time) SINGLE: 1–1400 mS This parameter adjusts the delay time (i.e., the interval for which sound is
TAP: 1–700 mS
Feedback (Feedback) 0–100 This parameter adjusts the amount of feedback. Changing the amount of
feedback causes the number of time the delayed sound is repeated to
change as well.
Effect Level (Effect Level) 0–120 This adjusts the volume of the delay sound.