■ acct-port -- Accounting UDP destination port number (default is 1813). (TCP/UDP-PORT)
(p. 458)
■ auth-port -- Authentication UDP destination port number (default is 1812).
(TCP/UDP-PORT) (p. 459)
■ time-window -- time window (in seconds) within which the received dynamic authorization
requests are considered to be current and accepted for processing. (p. 461)
■ time-window < 0 to 65535 > -- (p. 461)
■ [no] radius-server key -- Global encryption key (default is NULL). (p. 460)
■ key -- Encryption key to use with the RADIUS server (default is NULL). (ASCII-STR) (p. 460)
■ radius-server retransmit < 1 to 5 > -- Number of packet retransmits (default is 3). (p. 461)
■ radius-server timeout < 1 to 15 > -- Server timeout interval (default is 5). (p. 461)
Example: radius-server
ProCurve(cong)# radius-server key My-Global-Key-1099
ProCurve(cong)# radius-server dead-time 5
ProCurve(cong)# radius-server timeout 3
ProCurve(cong)# radius-server retransmit 2
ProCurve(cong)# write mem
timeout (p. 461)dyn-autz-port (p. 460)acct-port (p. 458)
time-window (p. 461)host (p. 460)auth-port (p. 459)
key (p. 460)dead-time (p. 459)
retransmit (p. 461)dyn-authorization (p. 459)
■ radius-server host IP-ADDR acct-port
Accounting UDP destination port number (default is 1813).
Next Available Option:
■ acct-port -- Accounting UDP destination port number (default is 1813). (TCP/UDP-PORT) (p.
■ radius-server host IP-ADDR acct-port TCP/UDP-PORT
Accounting UDP destination port number (default is 1813).
Next Available Options:
■ auth-port -- Authentication UDP destination port number (default is 1812). (TCP/UDP-PORT)
(p. 459)
■ key -- Encryption key to use with the RADIUS server (default is NULL). (ASCII-STR) (p. 460)
■ radius-server host IP-ADDR auth-port TCP/UDP-PORT acct-port TCP/UDP-PORT
Accounting UDP destination port number (default is 1813).
■ radius-server host IP-ADDR key KEY acct-port TCP/UDP-PORT
Accounting UDP destination port number (default is 1813).
458© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
radius-serverCommand Line Interface Reference Guide