■ type < router | network | summary | ... > -- Show LSAs of the specified type only. (p.
■ neighbor -- Show all OSPF neighbors in the locality of of the device (p. 573)
■ neighbor-ip -- (IP-ADDR) (p. 573)
■ redistribute -- List protocols which are being redistributed into OSPF (p. 584)
■ restrict -- List routes which will not be redistributed via OSPF (p. 586)
■ spf-log -- List the OSPF SPF(Shortes Path First Algorithm) run count for all OSPF areas and
last ten Reasons for running SPF (p. 593)
■ statistics -- List OSPF packet statistics( OSPF sent,recieved and error packet count) of all
OSPF enabled interfaces (p. 594)
■ if-ip -- Specify IP address of the interface for which to show detailed information.
(IP-ADDR) (p. 556)
■ vlan -- Specify VLAN of the interface for which to show detailed information. (VLAN-ID)
(p. 603)
■ traps -- Show OSPF traps enabled on the device (p. 599)
■ virtual-link -- Show status of all OSPF virtual links configured (p. 603)
■ area -- Specify area of the virtual links to show. (OSPF-AREA-ID) (p. 529)
■ vlink-ip -- Router ID of the link destination for which to show detailed information.
(IP-ADDR) (p. 608)
■ virtual-neighbor -- Show all virtual neighbors of the device (p. 603)
■ area -- Specify area of the virtual neighbors to show. (OSPF-AREA-ID) (p. 529)
■ vneighbor-ip -- Router ID of the virtual neighbor for which to show detailed information.
(IP-ADDR) (p. 608)
■ pim -- Show PIM protocol operational and configuration information (p. 576)
■ bsr -- Show Bootstrap Router information (p. 535)
■ elected -- Show elected Bootstrap Router information. (p. 550)
■ local -- Show local Candidate-BSR configuration information. (p. 566)
■ interface -- Show PIM interface information (p. 559)
■ VLAN-ID -- Specify the VLAN ID of the PIM interface to show. (VLAN-ID) (p. 607)
■ mroute -- Show PIM-specific information from the IP multicast routing table (p. 571)
■ IP-ADDR -- Specify the IP multicast group address of the MRT entry. (IP-ADDR) (p. 562)
■ IP-ADDR -- Specify the source IP address of the MRT entry. (IP-ADDR) (p. 562)
■ neighbor -- Show PIM neighbor information (p. 573)
■ IP-ADDR -- Specify the IP address of the PIM neighbor to show. (IP-ADDR) (p. 562)
■ pending -- Show (*,G) and (S,G) Join Pending Information. (p. 576)
■ rp-candidate -- Show Candidate-RP operational and configuration information (p. 588)
■ config -- Show C-RP configuration information. (p. 540)
■ rp-pending -- Show (*,*,RP) Join Pending Information. (p. 588)
■ rp-set -- Show RP-Set information available on the router (p. 588)
■ learned -- Show RP-Set information learned from the BSR. (p. 565)
■ static -- Show statically configured RP-Set information. (p. 594)
■ rip -- Show RIP operational and configuration information (p. 586)
■ general -- Show RIP basic configuration and operational information (p. 553)
■ interface -- Show RIP interfaces' information (p. 559)
■ if-ip -- Specify IP address of the interface for which to show detailed information.
(IP-ADDR) (p. 556)
■ vlan -- Specify VLAN of the interface for which to show detailed information. (VLAN-ID)
(p. 603)
■ peer -- Show RIP peers (p. 575)
■ peer-ip -- Specify IP address of the RIP peer to show. (IP-ADDR) (p. 576)
■ redistribute -- List protocols which are being redistributed into RIP (p. 584)
■ restrict -- List routes which will not be redistributed via RIP (p. 586)
■ route -- Show the IP routing table (p. 587)
515© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide