■ RSTP-operation -- The protocol operates as Rapid STP on all ports except those ports where
a system that is using 802.1d Spanning Tree has been detected.
■ spanning-tree force-version < STP-compatible | RSTP-operation | MSTP-operation >
Set Spanning Tree protocol compatibility mode.
Supported Values:
■ STP-compatible -- The protocol operates as STP on all ports.
■ RSTP-operation -- The protocol operates as Rapid STP on all ports except those ports where
a system that is using 802.1d Spanning Tree has been detected.
■ MSTP-operation -- The protocol operates as Multiple STP on all ports where compatibility to
the old STP protocol versions is not required.
■ spanning-tree forward-delay < 4 to 30 >
Set time the switch waits between transitioning from listening to learning and from
learning to forwarding states.
Range: < 4 to 30 >
■ spanning-tree [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST hello-time global
Use the globally congured hello-time value.
■ spanning-tree [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST hello-time
Set message transmission interval (in sec.) on the port.
Next Available Options:
■ hello-time < 1 to 10 > -- Set message transmission interval (in sec.) on the port.(p. 643)
■ global -- Use the globally configured hello-time value.(p. 643)
■ spanning-tree [ETHERNET] PORT-LIST hello-time < 1 to 10 >
Set message transmission interval (in sec.) on the port.
Range: < 1 to 10 >
■ spanning-tree hello-time < 1 to 10 >
Set time between messages transmission when the switch is root.
Range: < 1 to 10 >
■ spanning-tree instance
Usage: spanning-tree instance <ist|<1-16>> vlan VLAN-ID [VLAN-ID ...]
[no] spanning-tree instance <1-16>
[no] spanning-tree instance <ist|1-16> ...
Description: Create, delete or congure an MST instance.
The rst form of the command is used to create a new
instance or map VLAN(s) to an existent one. Each instance
643© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
spanning-treeCommand Line Interface Reference Guide