udp -- Add or remove a UDP server address for the VLAN (p. 749)■
■ ip-addr -- IP address of the protocol server. (IP-ADDR) (p. 729)
■ port-name < dns | ntp | netbios-ns | ... > -- (NUMBER) (p. 741)
■ port-num -- UDP port number of the server. (TCP/UDP-PORT) (p. 741)
■ helper-address -- Add or remove a DHCP server IP address for the VLAN (IP-ADDR) (p. 726)
■ igmp -- Enable/disable/configure IP Multicast Group Protocol (IGMP) feature on a VLAN (p. 727)
■ auto -- Instruct the device to monitor incoming multicast traffic on the specified ports (this
is the default behavior) ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 719)
■ blocked -- Instruct the device to drop incoming multicast packets received on the specified
ports ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 720)
■ fastleave -- Enables or disables IGMP Fast Leaves ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 723)
■ forcedfastleave -- When enabled, this feature forces IGMP Fast Leaves to occur even when
the port is cascaded ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 724)
■ forward -- Instruct the device to forward incoming multicast packets received on the specified
ports ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 724)
■ high-priority-forward -- Enable/disable the high priority forwarding of traffic for subscribed
IP Multicast groups (p. 726)
■ querier -- Specify querier/non-querier capability for the VLAN (p. 744)
■ interval < 5 to 300 > -- Sets the interval in seconds between IGMP queries (default: 125)
(p. 728)
■ irdp -- Configure ICMP Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP) (p. 732)
■ advert-address < multicast | broadcast > -- Specify the destination address to be used for
router advertisements (p. 714)
■ holdtime < 4 to 9000 > -- Set the lifetime (in seconds) of the router advertisements sent on
this interface (p. 726)
■ maxadvertinterval < 4 to 1800 > -- Set the maximum time (in seconds) allowed between
sending unsolicited router advertisements (p. 733)
■ minadvertinterval < 3 to 1800 > -- Set the minimum time (in seconds) allowed between
sending unsolicited router advertisements (p. 735)
■ preference -- The preferability of the router as a default router, relative to the other routers
on the same subnet (p. 742)
■ no-default -- Indicates that the router should never be used as a default by its neighbors.
(p. 737)
■ number < -2147483647 to 2147483647 > -- The router preferability number. Higher values
are more preferable. (p. 738)
■ local-proxy-arp -- Enable/disable local proxy ARP (p. 733)
■ mroute -- Configure IP Multicast Routing parameters on the VLAN interface (p. 736)
■ ttl-threshold < 0 to 255 > -- Set the multicast datagram TTL threshold for the interface (p.
■ ospf -- Enable/disable/configure Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol on the VLAN interface
(p. 738)
■ all -- Process the request for all IP addresses. (p. 715)
■ area -- Specify an OSPF area. (p. 716)
■ area-id -- Single integer or IP address style dotted decimal. (OSPF-AREA-ID) (p. 717)
■ backbone -- The backbone area (the same as (p. 719)
■ authentication -- Disable authentication. (p. 717)
■ authentication-key -- Set simple authentication method and key. (p. 717)
■ authentication-key -- OSPF authentication key (maximum 8 characters). (OCTET-STR)
(p. 717)
■ cost < 1 to 65535 > -- Set metric of this interface. (p. 721)
■ dead-interval < 1 to 65535 > -- Set dead interval in seconds; the default is 40. (p. 721)
■ hello-interval < 1 to 65535 > -- Set hello interval in seconds; the default is 10. (p. 725)
■ md5-auth-key-chain -- Set MD5 authentication method and key chain. (p. 734)
707© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
vlanCommand Line Interface Reference Guide