Range: < 1 to 255 >
■ router ospf area OSPF-AREA-ID range IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH
Specify IP address/MASK pair.
■ router ospf area backbone range IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH
Specify IP address/MASK pair.
■ [no] router ospf restrict IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH
Usage: [no] restrict IP-ADDR/MASK-LEN
Description: Prevent redistribution of routes via OSPF.
■ [no] router rip restrict IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH
Usage: [no] restrict IP-ADDR/MASK-LEN
Description: Prevent redistribution of routes via RIP.
■ [no] router pim rp-address IP-ADDR
Specify the IP address of the static RP.
Next Available Option:
■ GROUP-ADDR/GROUP-MASK -- Specify the range of multicast group addresses associated
with the static RP. (IP-ADDR/MASK-LENGTH) (p. 479)
■ router pim join-prune-interval < 5 to 65535 >
Usage: join-prune-interval <1-65535>
Description: Congure interval at which the router will send periodic
PIM-SM Join/Prune messages. Default is 60 seconds.
Range: < 5 to 65535 >
■ router ospf area OSPF-AREA-ID virtual-link IP-ADDR md5-auth-key-chain
Set MD5 authentication method and key chain.
Next Available Option:
■ chain-name -- Specify key chain to use for MD5 authentication. (ASCII-STR) (p. 478)
■ router ospf area backbone virtual-link IP-ADDR md5-auth-key-chain
Set MD5 authentication method and key chain.
481© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
routerCommand Line Interface Reference Guide