Next Available Options:
■ authentication -- Show RADIUS authentication statistics(p. 531)
■ accounting -- Show RADIUS accounting statistics(p. 528)
■ dyn-authorization -- Show RADIUS dynamic authorization statistics(p. 549)
■ host -- Show statistics information for the RADIUS host (IP-ADDR) (p. 555)
■ show rate-limit
Usage: show rate-limit all [PORT-LIST] [detailed]
show rate-limit ip access-group [PORT-LIST]
show rate-limit icmp [PORT-LIST]
show rate-limit bcast [PORT-LIST] [detailed]
show rate-limit mcast [PORT-LIST] [detailed]
Description: Show rate limit maximum percentages. If PORT-LIST parameter is
specied, information is shown only for the specied ports.
Use 'all' to show limits applied to all trafc.
Use 'ip' to show limits applied to access control lists.
Use 'icmp' to show limits for ICMP trafc.
Use 'bcast' to show limits for Broadcast trafc.
Use 'mcast' to show limits for Multicast trafc.
Use 'detailed' to show Inbound Radius Override details.
Next Available Options:
■ icmp -- Show only limits for icmp traffic.(p. 556)
■ all -- Show limits for all traffic.(p. 529)
■ bcast -- Show limits for ingress broadcast traffic.(p. 534)
■ mcast -- Show limits for ingress multicast traffic.(p. 569)
■ show sflow < 1 to 3 >
Select one of the three possible sFlow receiver tables.
Range: < 1 to 3 >
Next Available Options:
■ destination -- Displays information about the receiver/collector/management-station to which
the sampling-polling data is sent.(p. 546)
■ sampling-polling -- Displays information about sampling and polling.(p. 589)
■ show ip ospf redistribute
Usage: show ip ospf redistribute
Description: List protocols which are being redistributed into OSPF.
■ show ip rip redistribute
584© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide