Usage: show lockout-mac
Description: Show the MAC addresses that have been locked out
of the network.
■ show logging
Usage: show logging [-a|-r|-m|-p|-w|-i|-d|substring ...]
Description: Display log events.
-a - Instructs the switch to display all recorded log
events, which includes events from previous boot cycles.
-r - Instructs the switch to display recorded
log events in reverse order (most recent rst).
substring - Instructs the switch to display
only those events that match the substring.
The remaining event class options (listed below in
order of severity - lowest severity rst) conne
output to event clases of equal or higher severity
-d - Debug
-i - Informative
-w - Warnings
-p - Performance
-m - Major
Only one of options -d,-i,-w,-p and -m may be specied.
The -a, -r, and substring options may be used in
combination with an event class option.
Next Available Options:
■ option -- Filter events shown. See 'show logging help' for details. (ASCII-STR) (p. 574)
■ -a -- Display all log events, including those from previous boot cycles.(p. 527)
■ -r -- Display log events in reverse order (most recent first).(p. 583)
■ event_class < -M | -P | -W | ... > -- Specify substring to match in log entry. See 'log help' for
details.(p. 550)
■ show loop-protect
Usage: show loop-protect [ethernet] PORT-LIST
Description: Show loop protection status. if no PORT-LIST is specied, then
information is shown only for the ports that have loop protection
Next Available Option:
■ port-list -- Show loop protection summary for ports. ([ethernet] PORT-LIST) (p. 578)
■ show mac-address MAC-ADDR
Show port the specied MAC address is located on.
567© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
showCommand Line Interface Reference Guide