■ router pim state-refresh < 10 to 300 >
Usage: state-refresh <10-300>
Description: Set the interval between successive State Refresh messages
originated by this router. Default value is 60 seconds.
Range: < 10 to 300 >
■ router ospf area OSPF-AREA-ID stub
Dene a "stub" area and specify its cost.
Next Available Options:
■ cost < 0 to 16777215 > -- Enter cost to use when injecting default routes into the area.(p. 478)
■ no-summary -- Do not send summary LSA into the area.(p. 482)
■ router ospf area backbone stub
Dene a "stub" area and specify its cost.
Next Available Options:
■ cost < 0 to 16777215 > -- Enter cost to use when injecting default routes into the area.(p. 478)
■ no-summary -- Do not send summary LSA into the area.(p. 482)
■ router ospf area OSPF-AREA-ID virtual-link IP-ADDR transit-delay < 1 to 3600 >
Set transit delay in seconds; the default is 1.
Range: < 1 to 3600 >
■ router ospf area backbone virtual-link IP-ADDR transit-delay < 1 to 3600 >
Set transit delay in seconds; the default is 1.
Range: < 1 to 3600 >
■ [no] router ospf trap < virtual-interface-state-change | neighbor-state-change |
virtual-neighbor-state-change | ... >
Usage: [no] trap <TRAP-NAME|all>
Description: Enable/disable OSPF traps. The traps dened below are generated
as the result of nding an unusual condition while parsing an
OSPF packet or a processing a timer event. Note that if more than
one type of unusual condition is encountered while parsing the
packet or processing an event, only the rst one will generate a
trap. Possible trap names are:
- 'interface-state-change' signies that there has been a change in
the state of a non-virtual OSPF interface. This trap is generated
when the interface state regresses (e.g., goes from Dr to Down) or
progresses to a terminal state (i.e., Point-to-Point, DR Other,
489© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
routerCommand Line Interface Reference Guide