Next Available Options:
■ minttl < 1 to 255 > -- Minimum time to live <1-255>.(p. 697)
■ maxttl < 1 to 255 > -- Maximum time to live <1-255>.(p. 697)
■ timeout < 1 to 120 > -- Traceroute timeout in seconds <1-120>.(p. 698)
■ probes < 1 to 5 > -- Number of Probes <1-5>.(p. 698)
■ traceroute6 IPV6-ADDR maxttl < 1 to 255 >
Maximum number of hops allowed for each probe packet sent along the
route. If the maxttl value is less than the actual number of hops
required to reach the host, the traceroute output displays only the
IPv6 addresses of the hops detected by the congured maxttl value. <1-255>.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
Default: 30
■ traceroute6 HOST-NAME maxttl < 1 to 255 >
Maximum number of hops allowed for each probe packet sent along the
route. If the maxttl value is less than the actual number of hops
required to reach the host, the traceroute output displays only the
IPv6 addresses of the hops detected by the congured maxttl value. <1-255>.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
Default: 30
■ traceroute6 IPV6-ADDR minttl < 1 to 255 >
Minimum number of hops allowed for each probe packet sent along the
route. If the minttl value is greater than the actual number of hops,
the traceroute output displays only the hops equal to or greater than the
congured minttl threshold value.
If the minttl value is the same as the actual number of hops, only
the nal hop is displayed in the command output.
If the minttl value is less than the actual number of hops, all hops
to the destination host are displayed. <1-255>.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
Default: 1
■ traceroute6 HOST-NAME minttl < 1 to 255 >
Minimum number of hops allowed for each probe packet sent along the
route. If the minttl value is greater than the actual number of hops,
the traceroute output displays only the hops equal to or greater than the
congured minttl threshold value.
If the minttl value is the same as the actual number of hops, only
the nal hop is displayed in the command output.
If the minttl value is less than the actual number of hops, all hops
to the destination host are displayed. <1-255>.
Range: < 1 to 255 >
697© 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
traceroute6Command Line Interface Reference Guide