Switch ManagementCategory:
configPrimary context:
ip (page 290)Related Commands
sntp (page 634)
clock (page 86)
Usage: time [HH:MM:SS] [MM/DD[/[yy]yy]]
[daylight-time-rule <none|alaska|continental-us-and-canada|
[begin-date <MM/DD>] [end-date <MM/DD>]
[timezone <-720..840>]
Description: Display/set current time, date, and local time parameters.
Called without any parameters displays the information
mentioned above.
o HH:MM:SS - New time.
o MM/DD[/[yy]yy] - New date.
o timezone - The number of minutes your location is to the
West(-) or East(+) of GMT. Default is 0.
o daylight-time-rule - The daylight savings time rule for your location.
'none' (default) disables daylight savings time.
'begin-date' and 'end-date' are valid only if the
daylight time rule is set to 'user-dened'.
o begin-date - Set the beginning date for daylight savings time.
o end-date - Set the ending dates for daylight savings time.
Daylight savings time adjustment will be made at
2:00 AM on the rst Sunday on or after the
specied date.
■ time begin-date -- The begin date of daylight savings time (MM/DD) (p. 687)
■ time date -- New date (MM/DD[/[YY]YY]) (p. 687)
■ time daylight-time-rule < None | Alaska | Continental-US-and-Canada | ... > -- The daylight savings
time rule for your location (p. 687)
■ time end-date -- The end date of daylight savings time (MM/DD) (p. 687)
■ time time -- New time (HH:MM[:SS]) (p. 687)
■ time timezone < -720 to 840 > -- The number of minutes your location is West(-) or East(+) of
GMT (p. 687)
Example: time MM/DD[/[YY]YY]
Set the time on the switch to 9:45 a.m. on November 17, 2002:
ProCurve(cong)# time 9:45 11/17/02
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