Chapter 11. Logging
SMTP Server
Here, you set an SMTP server for the log messages that the Telecommuting Module generates. This server will send
the email messages to the email addresses set on the Log Classes page. If the connection between the
Telecommuting Module and the SMTP server isn’t working, an error message will be shown on this page, and be
logged according to the log class set on the Logging Configuration page. However, no error message will be
shown here if the primary SMTP server can’t connect to other mail servers. Therefore you should test if email log
messages to the addresses set under Log Classes really reach their destination addresses.
Every log message does not create a separate email; the Telecommuting Module collects log messages and sends
them every 5 minutes. The first message is sent within a minute.
Email sent from the Telecommuting Module has the From address "3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module".
Enter the DNS name or IP address of the SMTP server.
Status for outbound email
A message is shown here if the Telecommuting Module can’t connect to the mail server selected under SMTP
server, or if other errors concerning email occur. .
Syslog Server
Here, you set a syslog server for the syslog messages that the Telecommuting Module generates. This is the
computer which receives and stores the syslog log messages.
Enter the DNS name or IP address of the syslog server here.
Saves the configuration for Log Sending to the preliminary configuration.
Reverts the fields to the previous configuration.