Chapter 6. Basic Configuration
Trap sending
Select if trap sending (at boot and failed SNMP authentication) should be On or Off.
Trap receiver
Enter the IP address, or a name in the DNS, of the server to which the Telecommuting Module should send traps. If
you enter a DNS name instead of an IP address, you must enter the IP address of a DNS server on the Basic
Configuration page.
IP address shows the IP address of the DNS name or IP address you entered in the previous field.
Enter the password (community) which the Telecommuting Module should use when sending traps. The
community is sent unencrypted over the network.
Select the SNMP version to be used for traps. You can select v1 or v2c.
Delete Row
If you select this box, the row is deleted when you click on Add new rows, Save, or Look up all IP addresses
Enter the number of new rows you want to add to the table, and then click on Create.
Download the 3Com MIB
This link leads to the MIB (Management Information Base) definition for your 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting
Saves the SNMP configuration to the preliminary configuration.
Reverts all of the above fields to their previous configuration.