Chapter 8. SIP Services
Select whether the Telecommuting Module should accept Refer-To headers without angle brackets, but containing
question marks. The recommended setting is Only allow Refer-To ? with angle brackets.
Remove VIA headers
Some SIP servers won’t accept requests with more than one Via header. To be able to communicate via these
servers, you can select to remove all Via headers but one in requests to those servers. The Via headers are added
again when the reply passes the Telecommuting Module.
Here, list servers that won’t accept more than one Via header in SIP requests.
SIP server
Enter the DNS name or IP address for a SIP server that won’t accept more than one Via header.
Delete Row
If you select this box, the row is deleted when you click on Add new rows, Save, or Look up all IP addresses
Enter the number of new rows you want to add to the table, and then click on Create.
Translation exceptions
Usually, the Telecommuting Module rewrites IP addresses in the SIP signaling to hide it for the receiver. For some
reasons, you might want to except certain IP addresses from being rewritten. Enter those IP addresses in the table.
If you use a dialing domain that looks like an IP address (like, you need to enter that domain in this
Except this from translation
Enter the DNS name or IP address to be excepted from IP address translation. If you enter a DNS name, the
corresponding IP address will be excepted from translation.