Chapter 8. SIP Services
Allowed number of concurrent sessions
Enter the number of concurrent SIP sessions which the Telecommuting Module should handle.
Leave the field empty to allow as many sessions as there are SIP traversal licenses on the Telecommuting Module
(number displayed inside parantheses). You can purchase additional SIP traversal licenses from your retailer.
You can configure timeouts for the different functions of the Telecommuting Module SIP module here. It is not
recommended to change from the default values unless you really know what you’re doing.
Default timeout for INVITE requests
When sending an INVITE request you can specify a timeout, telling how long you can wait before getting an
If no timeout is given when an INVITE request is sent, the Telecommuting Module sends the default timeout
entered here.
Maximum timeout for INVITE requests
Here, enter the maximum timeout to allow for an INVITE request. If a higher timeout is given, the Telecommuting
Module changes it to the value entered here.
SIP blacklist interval
When the Telecommuting Module sends out a SIP request and no reply is received, the SIP peer (say, a SIP server
or an IP phone) will be blacklisten for the given time interval. This blacklisting means that no new SIP requests will
be sent to the unit, even if requests that should be routed to this unit is received by the Telecommuting Module.
If the SIP request which caused the blacklisting, or a subsequent SIP request for that unit, can be routed to another
device instead, the Telecommuting Module will keep on sending those requests to the next known IP address for the
domain/user in question. When the blacklist ends, the Telecommuting Module will go back to sending requests to
the previously blacklisted unit again.
If a 0 is entered into this field, the SIP blacklisting will not be used by the Telecommuting Module.
Base retransmission timeout for SIP requests
When the Telecommuting Module sends out a SIP request, it will expect a reply within a certain time. If no reply
has been received within the Base retransmission timeout, the Telecommuting Module will start resending the
Maximum number of retransmissions for INVITE requests
When the Telecommuting Module sends out an INVITE request, it will wait for a reply until the Base
retransmission timeout and then start to retransmit the request. The time intervals between retransmissions will
double for each new retransmission.