PHONO (Turntable SIM)
This simulates a record player. Scratch noise can also be added.
PITCH (Pitch Shifter)
This effect changes the pitch of the input signal.
D.PITCH (Dual Pitch Shifter)
This effect provides two pitch shifter units.
HALL (Hall Reverb)
This effect simulates the reverberation and ambiance of a concert
ROOM (Room Reverb)
This simulates the reverberation of a room. For the parameters,
refer to Hall Reverb.
PLATE (Plate Reverb)
This simulates a plate reverb unit. For the parameters, refer to Hall
RingMOD (Ring Modulator)
This effect multiples the effect by a sine wave to create metallic
ROTARY (Rotary Speaker SIM)
This effect simulates a rotary speaker.
TREMOLO (Tremolo)
This effect modulates the volume of the input signal.
S.TREM (Stereo Tremolo)
This is a version of Tremolo which allows 2-channel simultaneous
input. In addition to the parameters of Tremolo, you can adjust the
WAH+OD (Wah+Overdrive)
This is an auto-wah effect with overdrive.
MoniDly (Monitor Delay)
This is a delay especially designed for monitoring.
RPM (Rpm) 33,45,78 Rotational speed
WOW (Wow&Flutter) 0...50 Pitch instability caused by variation in
rotational speed
HiCUT (High Cut) 0...50 High frequency cut filter
NOISE (Scratch noise)0...50 Scratch noise
PITCH (Pitch) –24...+24 Pitch shift amount in semitone units
FINE (Fine) –50...+50 Pitch shift amount in 1-cent steps
DLY (Delay) 1ms...1s Delay time from the input signal
Fback (Feedback) 0...50 Amount of feedback
H.Damp (HighDamp) 0...50 High frequency attenuation of the
TYPE (Type) SLOW,FAST Response speed. With a setting of
SLOW, the response will be slower,
but the tone will change less.
MIX (Wet/Dry) DRY,1,2,...,49,WET Balance between the effect sound
and the direct sound
PTCH1 (Pitch1) –24...+24 Pitch shift 1 amount in semitone units
FINE1 (Fine1) –50...+50 Pitch shift 1 amount in one-cent steps
HDamp1 (High Damp1) 0...50 High frequency attenuation of feedback 1
LVL1 (Level1) 0...50 Delay time 1 from the input signal
PITCH2 (Pitch2) –24...+24 Pitch shift 2 amount in semitone units
FINE2 (Fine2) –50...+50 Pitch shift 2 amount in one-cent steps
HDamp2 (High Damp2) 0...50 High frequency attenuation of feedback 2
LVL2 (Level2) 0...50 Delay time 2 from the input signal
TYPE (Type) SLOW, FAST Response speed. With a setting of
SLOW, the response will be slower,
but the tone will change less.
MIX (Wet/Dry) DRY,1,2,...49,WET Balance between the effect sound
and the direct sound
T (Time) 0.26...16s Reverb time
PDL (PreDly) 0...300ms Delay time from the original sound
H.Damp (HighDamp) 0...25 High frequency attenuation
MIX (Wet/Dry) DRY,1,2,...,49,WET Balance between the effect sound
and the direct sound
T (Time) 0.10...5.2s Reverb time
T (Time) 0.26...16s Reverb time
Fc (Mod Fc) 50Hz...5000Hz Frequency of the oscillator
MIX (Wet/Dry) DRY,1,2,...,49,WET Balance between the effect sound
and the direct sound
Hspd (Horn Speed) 0.01...16.0(Hz) Rotational speed of the horn
Rspd (RotorSpeed) 0.01...16.0(Hz) Rotational speed of the rotor
BAL (Balance) 0...50 Volume balance between the low fre-
quency rotor and the high frequency
SPD (Speed) 0.01...16.0(Hz) Modulation speed
DEPTH (Depth) 0...50 Modulation depth
PHASE (Phase) 0...180 Relative phase difference between
PLTY (Polarity) UP,DOWN Polarity
SENS (Sens) 0...50 Sensitivity
ATK (Attack) FAST,1,...,49,SLOW Attack strength
MANUAL (Manual) 0...50 Frequency at which the effect is
DRIVE (Drive) 0...50 Distortion
LVL (Level) 0...50 Output level
T (Time) 1...200ms Delay time
Fback (Feedback) 0...50 Feedback amount
H.Damp (HighDamp) 0...50 High frequency attenuation of feed-
LVL (Level) 0...50 Output level