
The "Barbarian Jumper Mod"
small screwdriver, push the left one (as pictured) in about 1/32". This unlocks
the wires in the connector.
Pin #27 is the 5th from the left on the bottom row. It houses a yellow wire
with a red stripe -- 1/2 of the Barbarian Jumper. Carefully remove this wire
from the connector. Make sure you have the wire for pin 27 -- the other half
of the jumper is only 2 pins away at 29, and we want to leave that half there.
Do not pull on wires -- if they are pulled even slightly out you will not be able
to re-lock the connector. Also, the metal terminal ends are very fragile and
difficult to replace if you separate the wire from the terminal. Push the wire
out gently as shown in the next picture."
http://www.micapeak.com/bike/FJR1300/howto/jumper.html (5 of 9) [15/05/2003 5:41:02 PM]