
Installing Riv-Nut ports in the FJR's Headers
Installing Riv-Nut ports in the FJR's
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On 03/05/03 Dwayne Verhey (aka Torch) from the FJROwners online forum
wrote this Web page describing how to install "
Riv-nuts" into the FJR1300's
header pipes. This is required to properly modify the EFI's CO setting, like the
European and OZ/NZ models allow.
Note: there are companion Web pages documenting how to do the Barbarian
Jumper mod and how to adjust the CO setting.
These are riv-nuts (or rivet nuts, or thread inserts depending on the
manufacturer.) They are a hollow, threaded rivet that can be installed on the
headers "blind" -- that is, without removing the headers. Yamaha instructs North
American dealers to install these if it is necessary to check the CO adjustment of
the fuel injection system.
http://www.micapeak.com/bike/FJR1300/howto/rivnut.html (1 of 10) [15/05/2003 5:56:43 PM]