Section 1
Loading Songs Created with the BR-864/BR-532
You can load songs created with the BR-864 or BR-532 into
the BR-900CD via memory cards.
Loading Songs Created with
the BR-864
First, save the song data created with the BR-864 to a
memory card, then insert the memory card into the BR-
Once you record, edit, or set parameters for imported BR-864
song data, that particular song data can no longer be used by
the BR-864.
To protect against accidental recording or editing, song
protect (p. 79) is automatically switched on for imported BR-
864 song data.
If you can accept the fact that you will no longer be able to
use the song data with the BR-864, you can switch song
protect off, then carry out recording or editing.
1. Press [UTILITY].
2. Press CURSOR [ ] [ ] to move the cursor to “SEL,”
and press [ENTER].
The Song Select screen is appeared.
The song protect icon ( ) is indicated for the BR-864 songs.
3. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial to select the song to be
4. Press [ENTER].
The song data is loaded.
Patches employing the “Guitar Synth” algorithm of the BR-
864 are replaced by “P001” when loaded.
The “Harmonist” of the BR-864 are replaced by “Flanger”
when loaded.
To record or edit, turn off song protect (p. 79).
When you turn off song protect, “Overwrite OK?” appears in
the display; press [ENTER] (YES). Song protect is switched
off, and the data is simultaneously converted to BR-900CD
format. After this step is executed, the song data can no
longer be used with the BR-864.
Loading Songs Created with
the BR-532
When copying song data created with the BR-532 from
SmartMedia to a BR-900CD memory card, you can load the
data as a BR-900CD song.
Reading BR-532 data requires a PC with a SmartMedia
reader and CompactFlash writer connected.
First, copy the data on the BR-532 memory card
(SmartMedia) to the PC with the SmartMedia reader, and use
the CompactFlash writer to copy that data from the PC to a
BR-900CD memory card.
Then insert the memory card containing the copy of the
desired data into the BR-900CD.
1. Press [UTILITY].
2. Press CURSOR [ ] [ ] to move the cursor to “SEL,”
and press [ENTER].
The Song Select screen is appeared.
3. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial to select the song to be
4. Press [ENTER].
The song data is loaded.
The data remains in BR-532 format immediately after
loading. Once the loaded song is saved, the data is converted
(p. 79) to BR-900CD format.