164 L4400 User’s Guide
7 Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver
The Y1152A supports one of the 87xxx switches and up to two of the Agilent
N181x switches. Supported switches are shown below.
Y1152A Switch Options Supported
(Recommended options are shaded).
Agilent Switch Description
87204A/B/C SP4T 4 port latching
87206A/B/C SP6T 6 port latching
87606B 6 port matrix
N1810UL Unterminated latching 3-port (SPDT)
N1810TL Terminated latching 3-port (SPDT)
N1811TL Terminated latching 4-port (transfer)
N1812UL Unterminated latching 5-port
Option Name Option Number Description and Comments
Frequency Range letter suffix in model
All options supported
Coil Voltage STD (no options) +24VDC nominal (+20VDC to +32VDC allowed)
DC Connector Type
STD 16 pin ribbon cable header
100 Solder lugs
Can use ribbon cables with the Y1152A, or
discrete wires with the Y1155A.
Calibration certificate UK6, UKS All options supported
Drive Options STD Direct coil connections for open collector drive