52 L4400 User’s Guide
3 Operating and Programming
must be used when connecting the L4400 instrument directly (without a
switch or router) to the computer. See “Connecting the LAN Cables” in
Chapter 2 for more information.
L4400 Series Channel Addressing Scheme
The channel addressing scheme for the L4400 series LXI instuments uses the
form 1ccc where ccc is the three- digit channel number. Following are
examples of the scheme. Refer to the individual instrument chapters for
more information on channel numbering.
Table 3-2. L4400 Series Channel Addressing Examples.
Introduction to the SCPI Command Language
The functions of the L4400 series instruments are programmed using SCPI
(Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands. The L4400
Programmer’s Reference located on the L4400 LXI Class C Instruments Prod-
uct Reference CD-ROM (p/n 34989- 13601), contains a complete description
of each instrument’s command set.
SCPI is an ASCII- based instrument command language designed for test and
measurement instruments. SCPI commands use a hierarchical structure, also
known as a tree system. In this system, associated commands are grouped
together under a common node or root, thus forming subsystems. A portion
of the ROUTe subsystem is shown below to illustrate the tree system.
[:CHANnel]:ENABle <mode>, (@<ch_list>)
[:CHANnel]:ENABle? (@<ch_list>)
Channel Number
1014 Channel 14 on Bank 1 of the L4421A multiplexer module.
1921 Channel 921 (analog bus relay for ABUS 1) on Bank 2 of the
L4421A multiplexer module or on Matrix 2 of the L4433A matrix
1304 Row 3 / column 4 on Matrix 1 of the L4433A matrix module
(2-wire mode).
1437 Row 3 / column 7 on Matrix 4 of the L4433A matrix module
(1-wire mode).
1201 Channel 201 on Bank 2 of the L4450A digital I/O module.