Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver 7
L4400 User’s Guide 169
The Y1153A supports the attenuators listed below. Up to two of the
attenuators may be connected.
Y1153A Attenuator Options Supported
(Recommended options are shaded).
Agilent Attenuator Description
84904K/L 11 dB max, 1 dB steps, 4 sections
84906K/L 90 dB max, 10 dB steps, 4 sections
84907K/L 70 dB max, 10 dB steps, 3 sections
84904M 11 dB max, 1 dB steps, 4 sections
84905M 60 dB max, 10 dB steps, 3 sections
84908M 65 dB max, 5 dB steps, 4 sections
8494G/H 11 dB max, 1 dB steps, 4 sections
8495G/H 70 dB max, 10 dB steps, 3 sections
8496G/H 110 dB max, 10 dB steps, 4 sections
Option Name Option Number Description and Comments
Frequency Range letter suffix in
model number
All options supported
RF Connectors various All options supported
Coil Voltage 011 +5VDC
015 +15VDC
024 +24VDC (required if using internal power)
DC Connector Type STD 10 pin ribbon cable header
Calibration Certificate UK6 All options supported