External control settings
External control setups
You will use Global mode to create external con-
trol setups.
• The content that you edit in Global mode is
preserved until you turn off the power, but will
be lost when the power is turned off. There are
four types of data that you manage in Global
mode; user drum kit settings (GLOBAL 4), user
arpeggio patterns (GLOBAL 5), external control
settings (GLOBAL 6), and all other global set-
tings (GLOBAL 0–3). You can write each of
these into its own memory area.
Selecting an external control setup
and assigning control changes
1. Press the [GLOBAL] button to enter Global
2. Access the GLOBAL 6: Ext.Control, Knob A
3. Use “Setup Select” to select the external control
set that you want to edit.
4. Use Knob 1-A “MIDI Channel” to select the
MIDI channel on which you want to transmit
the message.
Next, use Knob 1-A “CC Assign” to specify the
MIDI control change (CC#) that you want to
These two settings determine the CC# and
MIDI channel of the message that is
transmitted when (in Program mode etc.) you
select this external control setup, use the
[SELECT] button to select group A, and operate
knob [1].
5. Next make settings for Knob 2-A through Knob
4-A, and then use the [SELECT] button to select
groups B and C, and specify the channel and
message transmitted by Knob 1-B–Knob 4-B
and Knob 1-C–Knob 4-C.
Assigning a name
It’s a good idea to name any external control set-
ups that you create so that you can remember its
Use the “Rename Ext. Control Setup” utility to
assign a name. For more details, see page 124.
Saving an external control
When you’ve finished editing, save your external
control setup.
Note: You’ll need to turn off external control
memory protect. In the GLOBAL 0: System,
Preference page, uncheck the Memory Protect
“Ext. Control” item. (☞p.88)
1. Press the [UTILITY] button to access the utility
menu, and choose “Write Ext. Control Setup.”
2. To write (save) your settings, press the
[MENU/OK] button.
A dialog box will ask you to confirm that you
want to write the settings.
3. Press the [MENU/OK] button to write your
settings, or press the [EXIT/CANCEL] button if
you decide not to write your settings.