Assigning a program to a track, and setting the volume and pan
Quick StartIntroductionSetupProgram
MultiEffectGlobalArpeggiatorDrum Kit
External control
Other functions
Adjusting the pan (stereo position)
Here’s how to adjust the pan of each track.
1. Access the MULTI 0: Play, Mixer page.
This page shows the pan and volume settings
for the programs assigned to tracks 1–16.
2. Use the ClickPoint to highlight the “Pan” of the
track whose pan setting you want to adjust,
and use the [VALUE] dial etc. to adjust the
A setting of C064 is center, L001 is far left, and
R127 is far right. With a setting of RND, the
stereo location will change randomly between
left and right each time a note is played.
Adjusting the volume
Here’s how to adjust the volume of each track.
1. Access the MULTI 0: Play, Mixer page.
2. Use the ClickPoint to highlight the “Volume” of
the track whose volume setting you want to
adjust, and use the [VALUE] dial etc. to adjust
the setting.
“Status” and MIDI channel
This specifies the MIDI status of the internal tone
generator for each track.
If you want the microX’s internal tone generator to
sound, choose the INT or BTH setting. These set-
tings let you use your external MIDI sequencer to
play the microX as a multi-track sound module.
The BTH setting lets you control an external MIDI
device at the same time that you play the internal
tone generator.
Choose the Off setting for tracks you’re not using.
With the Off, EXT, or EX2 settings, the internal
tone generator will not sound.
With the BTH, EXT, or EX2 settings, you can play
an external sound module on the MIDI channel of
the “Control Track.”
MIDI data is transmitted and received on the
MIDI channel that is specified separately for each
track by “MIDI Channel.”
For more details, see “Status” (☞PG p.61).
Bank select (when Status = EX2)
If the “Status” is EX2, the LSB value and MSB
value of the “Bank Select MSB/LSB” will be
enabled, and the bank number you specify here
will be transmitted via MIDI.
MIDI channel
This specifies the MIDI channel that the track uses
to send and receive note data. If multiple tracks
are set to the same MIDI channel, and their “Sta-
tus” is set to INT, they will all sound and be con-
trolled in the same way when they receive MIDI
The “Control Track” setting specifies the track that
is played by the microX’s keyboard and controlled
by its controllers. Data on the “MIDI Channel” of
the “Control Track” will play the microX’s internal
tone generator according its track settings (pro-
gram, level, etc.) if the track’s “Status” is INT or
BTH, and will also play any other tracks on the
same MIDI channel whose “Status” is INT or BTH.
If the “Status” is EXT, EX2, or BTH, these mes-
sages will be transmitted on the MIDI channel
specified by the track.
MIDI filter settings
Each MIDI filter item specifies whether the corre-
sponding MIDI message will be transmitted and
received. The message can be transmitted and
received if the check box is checked. (☞p.64
“MIDI filter settings”)
Data from Arp.
Operations on the
Received data
INT ● × ● —
EXT, EX2 × ● × —
BTH ●●●—