Altering Programs to fit within a Combination
Quick StartIntroductionSetupProgram
Adjusting the pitch
You can make these settings in COMBI 2: Ed–Tim-
bre Param, Pitch.
Transpose, Detune (BPM Adjust)
These parameters adjust the pitch of the timbre.
• In a layer-type combination, you can set two or
more timbres to the same program, and create a
richer sound by using “Transpose” to shift their
pitch apart by an octave or by using “Detune”
to create a slight difference in pitch between the
• In split-type combinations, you can use “Trans-
pose” to shift the pitch (in semitone units) of
the programs specified for each key zone.
• If you wish to change the playback pitch of a
drum program, use “Detune.” If you change
the “Transpose” setting, the relationship
between notes and drum sounds will change.
Adjusting the BPM of multisamples
If you’re using a phrase or rhythm loop multisam-
ple in the program of a timbre, you can adjust its
BPM. You can use the utility menu “Detune BPM
Adjust” to call up a new BPM value. This changes
the BPM by adjusting the playback pitch.
For more details, see “Detune BPM Adjust” (☞PG
Specifying the range of pitch change
controlled by the joystick (+X, –X)
This is specified by the “Bend Range.” You can
specify the range in semitone units. With the PRG
setting, the pitch bend range will be as specified
by the program.
Delay and scale settings
You can make these settings in COMBI 2: Ed–Tim-
bre Param, Other.
You can set some Timbres so that they don’t sound
immediately at note-on. This can create cool
effects, and more dramatic layers.
You can specify the delay for each Timbre either in
milliseconds (ms), or in rhythmic values which
sync to the system tempo.
If you set the “Delay” to Key Off, the Timbre will
sound when the note is released.
Use Program’s Scale
This specifies the scale for each timbre.
If you check “Use Program’s Scale,” the scale
specified by the program will be used. Timbres for
which this is not checked will use the Scale setting
“Type (Combi scale).”
Editing Programs with Tone Adjust
Using Tone Adjust, you can make detailed edits to
Programs within the context of the Combi. You
can assign six parameters to each timbre and
adjust them, but you can also re-specify parame-
ters and make further adjustments.
Proceed as follows.
1. Of the COMBI 1: Ed–Tone Adjust, TA1–TA3
pages, access the page that you want to edit.
2. For each timbre, use “Destination 1–6” to select
the parameter that you want to adjust for the
3. Use the [VALUE] dial etc. to adjust the value of
the parameter you selected in “Destination 1–
6.” The sound will change accordingly.
With the default settings you can control the fol-
lowing parameters.
Adjusts the low pass filter cutoff frequency of
program OSC 1/2. This will affect the brightness of
the sound.