6.3 Setting Mailboxes and Groups
214 Installation Manual
6.3.5 Subscriber Tutorial
Subscribers can customise their mailboxes using their extension telephones as explained in the
Subscriber's Manual.
The Subscriber Tutorial, if enabled through COS programming, can guide subscribers through the
customisation process, allowing them to easily set their password, subscriber (owner) name, and
personal greetings.
To enable or disable the Subscriber Tutorial, refer to "Tutorial" in 2.2.2 Personal Options in the
Programming Manual.
For more information on using the Subscriber Tutorial, refer to 2.2 Subscriber Tutorial (Easy Mailbox
Configuration) in the Subscriber's Manual.
6.3.6 Mailbox Groups
This program allows a message to be delivered to several mailboxes at once. The message activates
the message waiting lamps on all of the proprietary telephones (PTs). These mailboxes may be
assembled into a Mailbox Group. A name and voice label for each Mailbox Group can be recorded by
the System Administrator using KX-TVM Maintenance Console or by the Message Manager using
his or her telephone (see 3.2.6 Recording Messages in the Feature Manual). There are 20 group lists
available, and each group list can have a maximum of 62 members for KX-TVM50 or 100 members
for KX-TVM200.
For more information, refer to 2.5.1 Mailbox Group in the Programming Manual.
6.3.7 Extension Groups
An extension group places several extensions into the same mailbox. These extensions may be
assembled into a list called an Extension Group List. When a message is left in this mailbox, it lights
all of the message waiting lamps of the telephones that are in this group list. Extension groups
function well in areas where the call would not be intended for a specific person (such as a Parts
Centre, Technical Support Group, etc.).
There are 20 group lists available, and each group list can have a maximum of 100 entries.
For more information, refer to 2.5.2 Extension Group in the Programming Manual.