Song operating mode
Song Record page
While in the Song mode, press RECORD to enter the Song
Record mode. The Song Record page appears.
Rec (Record mode)
Set this parameter to select a recording mode.
Overdub The newly recorded events will be mixed to any
existing events.
Overwrite The newly recorded events will replace any
existing events.
Auto Punch Recording will automatically begin at the “S”
position, and stop at the “E” position (see the
following line).
Note: The Auto Punch function will not work on
an empty Song. At least one track must already
be recorded.
PedalPunch Recording will begin when pressing a pedal set
to the “Punch In/Out” function, and will finish
when pressing the same pedal again.
Note: The Pedal Punch function will not work
on an empty Song. At least one track must
already be recorded.
StepDub Step Overdub. This recording mode lets you
enter events one at a time, adding events to the
existing events.
StepOwr Step Overwrite. This recording mode lets you
enter events one at a time, overwriting all exist-
ing events.
Trk (Track)
Track in record.
1…16 One of the 16 tracks selected. To select a track,
go to the Track pages (see “Tracks 1-8 page” on
page 89 and “Tracks 9-16 page” on page 89).
S/E (Start/End)
These parameters appear only when the “Auto Punch”
recording mode is selected. They set the starting and ending
points of the Punch recording.
Metro (Metronome)
This is the metronome heard during recording.
Off No metronome click will be heard during
recording. A one-bar precount will be played
before starting recording.
On1 Metronome on, with a one-bar precount
before starting recording.
On2 Metronome on, with a two-bar precount
before starting recording.
Resol (Resolution)
Use this parameter to set the quantization during record-
ing. Quantization is a way of correcting timing errors;
notes played too soon or too later are moved to the nearest
axis of a rhythmic “grid”, set with this parameter, thus
playing perfectly in time.
Hi No quantization applied.
(1/32)… (1/8)
Grid resolution, in musical values. For
example, when you select 1/16, all notes are
moved to the nearest 1/16 division. When
you select 1/8, all notes are moved to the
nearest 1/8 division
This is the meter (or time signature) of the Song. You can edit
this parameter only when the Song is empty, i.e. before you
begin recording anything. To insert a meter change in the
middle of the Song, use the “Insert Measure” function (see
page 13-101).
Sel.Tempo (Select Tempo)
Select this parameter to use the TEMPO/VALUE controls to
set the tempo.
Note: You can always change the Tempo, when other parame-
ters are selected, by keeping the SHIFT button pressed, and
rotating the DIAL.
Note: The tempo is always record in overwrite mode (old data is
replaced by the new data).
Tempo (Tempo mode)
This parameter sets the way tempo events are read.
Record All Tempo changes made during recording will
be recorded to the Master Track.
Auto The Sequencer plays back all recorded Tempo
events. No new Tempo events are recorded.
Manual The latest manual Tempo setting (made using
the TEMPO/VALUE controls) is considered
the current Tempo value. No Tempo change
will be recorded. This is very useful to record
the Song much slower than its actual Tempo.
Rec:Overdub Trk:1 98%
S: E: Metro:On1
Resol: Meter:4/4
Sel.Tempo Tempo:Auto
No quanti-