
Dynamics library list
These are the preset dynamics settings provided by the AW16G. For
details on the function of each parameter, refer to page 174.
001 A.Dr.BD "CMP
002 A.Dr.BD "EXP
003 A.Dr.BD "GAT
004 A.Dr.BD "CPH
Use these presets to apply CMP, EXP, GAT, or CPH
respectively to the bass drum of an acoustic drum kit.
005 A.Dr.SN "CMP
006 A.Dr.SN "EXP
007 A.Dr.SN "GAT
008 A.Dr.SN "CPS
These presets modify preset programs 1—4 for use with a
snare drum.
009 A.Dr.Tom "EXP
Expander for acoustic toms automatically reduces the
volume when the toms are not played, helping to differ-
entiate the bass and snare drums clearly.
010 A.Dr.OverTop "CPS
Soft compander to emphasize the attack and ambience
of cymbals using overhead microphones. It automatically
reduces the volume when the cymbals are not played,
helping differentiate the bass and snare drums clearly.
011 E.B.finger "CMP
Compressor to equalize the attack and volume level of a
finger-picked electric bass guitar.
012 E.B.slap "CMP
Compressor to equalize the attack and volume level of a
slap electric bass guitar.
013 Syn.Bass "CMP
Compressor to adjust and/or emphasize the level of a
synth bass.
014 Piano1 "CMP
015 Piano2 "CMP
Piano1 brightens the sound to make it stand out slightly.
Piano2 uses a deeper threshold setting, producing a
more consistent overall level and sense of attack.
016 E.Guitar "CMP
Suitable for electric guitar chording or arpeggios. Try var-
ious adjustments depending on your tone or playing
017 A.Guitar "CMP
Compressor intended for acoustic guitar playing rhythm
chords or arpeggios.
018 Strings1 "CMP
019 Strings2 "CMP
020 Strings3 "CMP
Compressor suitable for strings. Numbers 19 and 20 can
also be used on low-range instruments (cello, contra-
021 BrassSection "CMP
Compressor intended for brass sounds with fast and
strong attack.
022 Syn.Pad "CMP
This has a restraining effect on sounds that tend to
become diffuse. For example, this is ideal for some rich-
sounding synth pads that conversely lack definition.
023 SamplingPerc "CPS
024 Sampling BD "CMP
025 Sampling SN "CMP
026 Hip Comp "CPS
It is effective to apply these programs to sampled sounds
(such as from a CD-ROM) that are used among acoustic
instruments, so that they will not seem to lack power and
clarity. Four variations are provided; for Perc, BD, SN,
and for looped materials (Hip Comp).
027 Solo Vocal1 "CMP
028 Solo Vocal2 "CMP
These are variations that are suitable for solo vocal
029 Chorus "CMP
This variation of Vocal is suitable for choruses.
030 Compander(H) "CPH
031 Compander(S) "CPS
A template for the compander program.
032 Click Erase "EXP
Expander to remove click track sounds that may bleed
out of the monitor headphones the musicians are using.
033 Announcer "CPH
Hard compander reduces the level during the interval
between the words, making the voice sound even.
034 Easy Gate "GAT
A template for the gate program.
035 BGM Ducking "DUK
Ducking background music for voiceovers, typically
keyed from the announcer’s channel.
036 Limiter1 "CMP
037 Limiter2 "CMP
A limiter template. 1 has a slow release, and 2 is a peak
stopping type.
038 Total Comp1 "CMP
039 Total Comp2 "CMP
040 Total Comp3 "CMP
Since these presets are effective in restraining the overall
level or improving the overall definition, it is useful to
apply them to the stereo output during mixdown. You
can apply theses presets to a stereo source, and adjust
them to create interesting effects.