Mixdown and bounce operations
D Effect insert
This lets you insert an internal effect into the chan-
nel. When you move the cursor here and press the
[ENTER] key, a popup window will appear, allow-
ing you to select internal effect 1 or 2.
Move the cursor here and press the [ENTER] key to
switch EQ on/off.
Move the cursor here and press the [ENTER] key to
switch dynamics on/off.
Move the cursor here and press the [ENTER] key to
switch the channel on/off.
H EFF1 (except for the stereo output channel)
I EFF2 (except for the stereo output channel)
J AUX1 (except for the stereo output chan-
K AUX2 (except for the stereo output chan-
Move the cursor to these knobs and turn the [DATA/
JOG] dial to adjust the send levels to effect buses 1/
2 and AUX buses 1/2.
By moving the cursor to the left of the knob and
pressing the [ENTER] key, you can switch between
pre-fader (send the pre-fader signal to the bus) and
post-fader (send the post-fader signal to the bus).
Move the cursor to this knob and turn the [DATA/
JOG] dial to adjust the pan (or balance, in the case
of the stereo output channel) of the signal that is
sent from the channel to the stereo bus or L/R bus.
M FADER knob (except for the stereo output
Move the cursor to this knob and turn the [DATA/
JOG] dial to adjust the level of the signal that is sent
from the channel to the stereo bus or L/R bus. The
range is –∞ to +6 dB.
The FADER knob of a track channel will follow the opera-
tion of the corresponding panel fader 1–8 or 9/10–15/16.
However, please note that if you adjust an on-screen
knob and then operate the panel fader, the value will not
change until the fader passes the current value.
N OUTPUT LEVEL (only for the stereo output
Move the cursor to this knob and turn the [DATA/
JOG] dial to adjust the output level of the signal that
is sent from the stereo output channel to the STE-
REO/AUX OUT jacks and MONITOR OUT jacks.
The range is –∞ to 0 dB.
The OUTPUT LEVEL knob will follow the operation of
the panel [STEREO FADER]. However, please note that if
you adjust the on-screen knob and then operate the panel
fader, the value will not change until the fader passes the
current value.
Initializing a channel
The mix parameters (EQ, dynamics, pan, etc.) of a chan-
nel can be reset to their default settings in a single opera-
tion. This function lets you start mixdown or bounce
operations with the track channels “zeroed,” and pro-
vides an easy way to reset the levels back to the nominal
setting if you can no longer hear any sound.
In the Quick Navigate section, repeatedly
press the [MONITOR] key or hold down the
[MONITOR] key and use the CURSOR [ ]/
[] keys to access the INIT page.
In this page you can separately initialize the mix
parameters of input channels 1–8, pad channels 1–
4, or track channels 1–16.
Press the [INPUT SEL] key, pad, or [TRACK
SEL] key for the channel that you want to ini-
When you press a key or pad, the upper line of the
screen will indicate “CH.PARAMETER INITIAL-
IZED,” and the corresponding channel will be ini-
tialized. (Channel library 00 will be recalled.)
An initialized channel will have the following mix
parameter settings.
Input channel Pad channel Track channel
Phase no change no change no change
Attenuation 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB
EQ parameters flat flat flat
Dynamics on/off OFF OFF OFF
Dynamics type COMP COMP COMP
no effect no effect no effect
If paired: L channel = L16,
R channel = R16
If unpaired: center
L channel = L16
R channel = R16
If paired: L channel = L16,
R channel = R16
If unpaired: center
Fader 0 dB
0 dB no change
* If FADER FLIP is set to TRACK in the UTILITY screen PREFER page.