Please note one important difference between this SOLO mode and the others... the clue is in
the word 'destructive' (and the block diagram in the above screen).
With the other SOLO modes (PFL, AFL and SIP), these merely affect what you hear on the MAIN
and NEAR monitor outputs. In other words, you can solo channels whilst you are mixing down
through the MASTER STEREO OUTPUT and the master stereo mix will not be affected.
However, with DSIP selected as the SOLO mode, soloing a channel will affect what's heard
on the MASTER STEREO OUTPUT. So, you're mastering your project to an external 2-track
through the MASTER STEREO OUTPUT and you solo that guitar channel just to check it.
You hear it in isolation and all is well so you 'un-solo' it. Fine... no problem except....
When you listen back to your master mix on the external 2-track, that solo action will have
been recorded! Please be aware of this when using DSIP.
In all SOLO modes except DSIP, a SOLO LEVEL parameter on Q1 sets the level of the solo'd
signal. This is most useful when PFL is selected (i.e. the signal appears at full level) to pre-
vent the solo'd signal blowing your speakers!
The SOLO setting affects all channels equally and is not specific to any given channel.
To solo a channel, simply press SHIFT+CHANNEL ON. The key will flash to indicate that
the channel is solo'd (and the !!! SOLO !!! LED in the MONITOR section will also flash as
added confirmation that a channel is solo'd). To turn SOLO off, simply press the key again.
However, as soon as you solo any channel, you enter a solo 'mode'. In this mode....
• To add other channels to the SOLO 'mix', simply press their CHANNEL ON key.
• To hear another channel in isolation whilst other channels are solo'd, use
SHIFT+CHANNEL ON - this will solo the newly selected channel in isolation and
override previous SOLO selections.
In the case where you have multiple channels solo'd, a quick way to clear them all is to press
SHIFT+CHANNEL ON followed by CHANNEL ON again on the same channel. All solo'd channels
will be cancelled.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual