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It is also possible to 'flip' (or swap) the faders and FX/Aux sends allowing you to set FX/
Aux sends using the motorized faders. This is useful when you require very abrupt changes
to FX/Aux sends... to allow for precision when setting the FX/Aux send levels, the encoders
need a few turns to cover the entire range. The faders, on the other hand, can cover the entire
range in one swift movement.
To flip the faders, simply 'double-click' the FX/Aux buttons:
Press the FX/Aux key once to select it. Press it again to 'flip'.
When 'flipped, the faders set FX/Aux send level and the encoders now set channel level.
When 'flipped', the LED in the key will flash to indicate its status.
Press it again to return to normal operation.
If the sends are configured as stereo sends, when FX/AUX1 is 'flipped', the faders set FX/
Aux1/2 send level and the encoders set the channel level.
However, when FX/AUX2 is 'flipped', the faders set FX/Aux1/2 send level and the encoders set FX/
AUX1/2 send pan position. The same is true for FX/AUX3/4.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual