Top Panel
This section deals with the DPS24's control surface. Although we would like to think that
most of it should be fairly self-explanatory, please read this section to gain a full understand-
ing of the DPS24's functions.
The panel is laid out logically with many dedicated keys that provide direct access to the
most commonly used functions employed when recording, track laying, overdubbing and
mixing and the DPS24's control surface is designed in such a way that for every day use, it
should not be necessary to access obscure, LCD-driven menus - with its 'knobby' front panel,
operation is designed to be as 'hands-on' and 'traditional' as possible. For example....
For track laying, route the inputs to the appropriate track(s) using the Group function as on
a traditional mixer, arm the track(s) for record and press PLAY and RECORD together. Drop
out of record by pressing PLAY again. To overdub, rewind, re-group, select different tracks
for record and repeat the process, monitoring previously recorded material via the DISK
TRACKS fader bank.
Want to pan your tracks? Simply use the row of encoders above the faders. Want to add
effects? Select the appropriate FX send in the Q-STRIP FUNCTION panel and adjust the
encoders to set FX send levels as necessary.
Need to tweak EQ? Select the appropriate channel(s) using the channel SELECT keys, press
the Q-CHANNEL key and adjust the EQ using the Q-CHANNEL encoders.
Need to tweak an effect? Press FX and use the Q-LINK controls to modify parameters (and
with the Q-CHANNEL selected, you can adjust the channel parameters AND the effects pa-
rameters simultaneously).
If you are working with artists in separate rooms, set up a 'foldback' cue mix using pre-fade
AUX 3 and/or 4 and the STUDIO outputs - even speak to them via the DPS24's internal
talkback mic during the track laying process.
Having laid down some tracks, you hear something that needs deleting! Simply hit EDIT,
select the appropriate track(s), mark the offending region with the IN/OUT keys and press
CUT or ERASE. Similarly, you want to use that one great guitar riff elsewhere in the project
- select the appropriate track(s), press EDIT, mark the region, copy it and paste it wherever
it's needed.
You get the picture!
And so far, unlike other digital mixers/recorders, all of this is achieved without hardly ever
having to refer to the LCD!
To find out more, read on.
Illuminated keys will light when selected as you would expect.
However, in certain circumstances, these keys flash to indicate that they are in a different
status. For instance, the CH ON keys are lit when mixer channels are ON (not muted), but
they flash when the mixer channels are solo'ed.
Also, the RECORD/EDIT SELECT keys for the 24 tracks use bi-color LEDs, red for Record
(flashing when ready, lit when recording) and green for Edit,
v1.6 Operator’s Manual