Top Panel
In the MAIN SCREEN, and also in the main page of EDIT/DSP modes, a Project Overview is
displayed in the lower portion of the screen:
This shows a graphic representation of the 24 tracks of the project, scrolling from right to left
accross the NOW Time line during playback.
The IN-OUT region is displayed inverted.
On top of the Project OverView, a System Info bar is displayed in the middle of the screen
This provides a reminder of the current Sample Rate, Bit Depth and Frame Rate settings.
When new audio files are created, either during recording, or while using the DSP features,
the DPS24 calculates each audio file's waveform for display (if the WAVE GEN function is
enabled in SETUP/PREFS, as described later in this manual). This operation is performed by
the DPS24 in the background.
In the MAIN SCREEN, and also in the main page of EDIT/DSP modes, a Waveform Genera-
tion indicator icon is displayed in the System Info bar in the center of the screen shows the
status of this background process.
The various displays are:
Waveform generation is off
This animation shows that waveform generation in progress
Waveform generation complete
Waveform generation is inhibited
In the MAIN SCREEN, and also in the main MIXER page, a Meter Bridge is displayed in the
upper portion of the screen, showing small LCD meters for all the channels of the entire Mixer:
The black squares show clipping and you can also see the peak hold indicators:
v1.6 Operator’s Manual