24-TRACK RECORD Enables/disables the 24-Track Record mode.
Normally, when this parameter is OFF, the maximum number of audio
sources you can record simultaneously is 16.
When it is ON, the 24-Track Record mode allows you to record more than
16 separate sources at any one time.
It is useful when you need to record more than 16 tracks simultaneously ,
up to 24 - for example, 12 analogue inputs, 8 ADAT inputs (for instance
from a 8-Channel preamp/AD with ADAT output), the stereo AUX input
and the stereo 2-TRACK input, or the stereo SPDIF (a total of 24 tracks).
This also allows performing a one-pass transfer from a 24-track ADAT sys-
tem (with the IB-24ADT ADAT option board installed).
When 24 TK RECORD is enabled, tracks 21-24 cannot be used for playback. After perform-
ing a 24-track recording to the DPS24, you should switch 24 TK RECORD OFF in order to play the
24 tracks you have just transferred.
Sets the Peak Hold Timefor the meters (both for the LCD and akSys):
The range is OFF - 1 SEC - 2 SECS - 5 SECS - 10 SECS - 20 SECS - INFINITE.
When INFINITE is selected, the peak hold indicator stays on permanently.
The setting made here also affects the meter display in ak.Sys TrackView.
The peak hold time preference is unique to each project and so should be set separately.
The MORE [F2] key provides access to more Preferences:
v1.6 Operator’s Manual