Top Panel
Below the inputs are the RECORD/EDIT SELECT keys for Tracks1-24:
These keys have bi-coloured LEDs and normally, when recording, they illuminate red and
are used to select tracks for record. However, when the EDIT mode is enabled, these keys
illuminategreen and are used to select tracks for editing.
The number shown to the right of each key shows the default Group assignment. As on a
'traditional' console/recorder combination, the group outputs are patched to the disk tracks
and channels are routed to them by way of the Groups (Groups 1-8 routed to Tracks 1-8, 9-16
and 17-24). So, for example, to route Input 5 to Track 3, you would assign it to GROUP 3/4.
To route, say, Tracks 1, 2, 3 and 4 to, say, Tracks 13 and 14 for a stereo bounce-down, you
would assign them all to GROUP 5/6.
Because of the flexible patching facilities in the DPS24, it is possible to override the default
group routing arrangement so the default assignment shown alongside the record track numbers may
not be applicable if you have changed them. Routing and patching is explained in more detail later in
this manual.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual