To recall a mix scene, if you know the scene number you want to use, recalling a scene is
simply a matter of pressing RECALL (the key will flash), typing in a two-digit number (00
99) on the adjacent numeric keypad followed by pressing ENTER (which also flashes when
RECALL is pressed). The scene will be recalled.
When you press RECALL, a pop-up is also shown on the LCD:
As well as the numeric keypad, you can use the CURSOR UP/DOWN keys to move through
the list and you can press the ENTER key or F6 - RECALL - to recall the selected scene. The
prompt will close when the scene is recalled.
When recalling a scene, you can also decide what will be recalled. For example, you may
have stored Scene 03 as ALL (everything stored) but when you come to recall that event, you
can decide to only recall (for example) static controls.
As with STORE, use Q5 to select what it is you want to recall (e.g. ALL controls, STATIC
controls or NO FADERS) and press ENTER or RECALL [F6]. The scene will be recalled but,
depending on the complexity of your mix or the settings being recalled, it can take a second
or two for the recalled settings to take effect.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual