Whenever something is changed in a project, it is autosaved.
When this happens, a small "warning" icon appears in the FREE box at the top right of the
When this icon appears, it is essential that you do not switch the DPS24 off.
Doing so might result in lost data and maybe irreparable damage to your disk drive.
After making any changes to your project, always wait until the icon shown above clears
before switching off.
If you turn off the power while saving project data onto hard drive, the project data may be
As a safety, the DPS24 automatically creates a hidden backup project (a copy of the current
project) while saving project data .
In case the original project data gets corrupted, the DPS24 will boot up with the back up
project instead.
When the DPS24 boots up with the backup project, something similar to the following mes-
sage will be displayed as a reminder:
However, please keep in mind that it is still possible to damage project data if you power-off
the DPS24 while writing to the disk.
The DPS24 is writing to the disk after any recording, editing or mixing operation (as simple
as touching a fader), or after changing any setting.
It usually takes only 10-20 seconds to complete a write operation of the last changes.
Please wait until the icon disappears to power-down the unit.
If the last used Project gets corrupted and the DPS24 is not able to recover the damaged However,
you can bypass auto-loading the last project on power-up by using the following procedure:
* power-off
* turn the shuttle wheel (outer ring) counterclockwise to 11 o'clock (the little notch pointing
towards the IN key)
power-up while holding the shuttle wheel in this position until the DPS24 finishes booting up.
This will not load the last Project, but create a dummy empty project instead.
From there, you should be able to load other Projects.
You should also be able to recover the audio from the corrupted project using the Audio
Recovery feature described later in this manual.
v1.6 Operator’s Manual