Editing Songs
This function erases all the sequencer data inside the specified area.
As the erased data is replaced by rests, the original measures will
For details on the settings, refer to
Basic Operation for Track
(p. 133).
This function deletes a specified area of sequencer data, and moves
the subsequent data to fill the gap. As a result, the measure length
will be shortened by the number of deleted measures.
For details on the settings, refer to
Basic Operation for Track
(p. 133).
Erasing Unwanted Performance
Data (Erase)
Value Explanation
TRK 1–16,
Track(s) or pattern to be
Phrase tracks 1–16, the beat track,
and the tempo track
TRK 1–16:
Specified phrase track
Tempo track
Specified pattern
Ch/Part ALL, Ch 1–16 MIDI channel of the data
to be erased
Erases all sequencer data.
Ch 1–16:
Erases sequencer data of one spe-
cific MIDI channel only.
* If you set “Track” to “TEMPO,” or if “Status” is
set to “System Exclusive,” “Tune Request” or
“Pattern Call,” this parameter will not be avail-
0001– Range of measures to be
If you set “For” to
“ALL,” all measures
will be specified.
For 1–ALL
Status ALL, Note,
Poly Aftertouch,
Control Change,
Program Change,
Channel After-
touch, Pitch Bend,
System Exclusive,
Tune Request,
Pattern Call
Type of data to be erased
* If “Track” is set to
“TEMPO,” this parame-
ter will not be available.
When “Status” is “Note” or “Poly Aftertouch”
Range Min
0 (C -)–127 (G9) Range of note numbers to
be erased
You can also specify
the key range by press-
ing keys on the key-
Range Max
When “Status” is “Control Change”
Range Min
0–127 Range of controller num-
bers to be erased
Range Max
When “Status” is “Program Change”
Range Min
1–128 Range of program num-
bers to be erased
Range Max
When “Stai.789 m171.248 1444 TD(When D(Wh.789 m171.24g2944 Trg247.45 634.788rg247.581634.4 Trg247.530148.288rg247.50863494 Trg247.78 448.288rg247.45 290.939rg247.78 278.288rg247.45 21674 Trg247.78 27.288rg247.48 1444 Trg247.78 12.288rg247.4g2944 T37 988 448 634.43837 988 448 148.289 8 28.0148 661343835Tj02148 66134l8 m127 -623634.78837 9652-623634.7l8 m127 -622634.43837 9652-622634.4 T78 107.581679.63835Tj021581679.689 8 28.01530119.63835Tj021530119.6 T78 107.508679.63835Tj021508679.689 8 28.0178 419.63835Tj02178 419.689 8 28.0175 423.688rg295.245 423.689 8 28.0178 382.63835Tj02178 382.689 8 28.0148 291.13835Tj02148 291.189 8 28.0148 279.63835Tj02148 279.689 8 28.0148 268.189 m142148 268.189 8 28.0148 217.13835Tj02148 217.189 8 28.0148 205.63835Tj02148 205.689 8 28.0148 194.189 m142148 194.189 8 28.0148 182.63835Tj02148 182.689 8 28.0148 171.13835Tj02148 171.189 8 28.0148 159.689 m142148 159.689 8 28.01448171.13835Tj021448171.1lSQET1 1 1 rg106.069 -482144 2944497 -3881.5 re/Cs8 cs0 Jscn/GS3 gs15 4056069 202.016-3.83-4121.5 re/E nuddedDocument /MC822 BDC/GS4 gsq16-3.59T0 0411992145 4056.247 942.0cm/Im11.3DoQEMCq1 i ET072.210321.5 W nET072.210321.5 W nET1032-05072.2-10321.5 W nE.9T.9T.9T 1 /GS2 gs37817.2782 2732615 243.77371.5 refBT1/F3 1 134ET010175 419 949.0001 Tm0 0 0 T*cT*0 Tg( )- 4278.2-10 -191.25 TDeletw(iUnwanted Measuy pify )Tj0 -308.25 TTDelete(G9))TjET1 1 1 37817.2748 6613415 3722-10 611.5 refBT/F4 1 Tf8 0 0 3 423 949.0001 Tm0 0 0 rg( )-1103 4-4 232774 TParogeter9))TjET1 1 1 45 237748 661348 10412-10 611.5 refTf8 0 0 3 937742128001 Tm0 0 0 rValue9))TjET1 1 1 514 -36748 66134107.8912-10 611.5 refTf8 0 0520 -36742128001 Tm0 0 0 rExplanatio Min