AW2400 Owner’s Manual
Convenient functions for mixdown/bounce
Mixdown and bounce operations
Solo is a function that lets you monitor only a specific
channel. The AW2400 provides a versatile Solo function
that lets you make Solo settings that are best for your situ-
Call the MONITOR screen Solo page by
either pressing the Quick Navigate section
[MONITOR] key as many times as neces-
sary, or by pressing the [F4] key after
pressing the [MONITOR] key.
This page contains the following items.
1 SEL MODE field
This selects how you will select the signal(s) to be
monitored when the Solo function is on.
This selects the mode in which the Solo function will
Here you can select channels that will be excluded
from the Solo function if MIXDOWN SOLO mode is
selected in the SOLO MODE field.
In the SEL MODE field, choose the way in
which the signal(s) to be monitored will be
selected when the Solo function is on.
You can turn on one or the other of the following but-
• LAST SOLO button
If this button is on, you will be monitoring only the
single channel whose [ON] key was last pressed.
• MIX SOLO button
If this button is on, you will be monitoring all chan-
nels whose [ON] key was pressed after enabling the
Solo function.
Use the SOLO MODE field to choose the
operating mode for the Solo function.
You can turn on one or the other of the following but-
If this button is on, the soloed signal(s) will be sent
via the dedicated Solo bus and output from the
[MONITOR OUT] jacks and [PHONES] jack. This
will not affect the signals that are being output from
the stereo bus or Bus 1/Bus 2. With this setting,
even channels that are not assigned to the stereo
bus or Bus B/bus 2, or channels whose [ON] key is
off, can be monitored from the [MONITOR OUT]
jacks or [PHONES] jack.
This setting is convenient when you want to monitor
only specific channels without affecting the
recorded content while recording tracks or during
If this button is on, only the soloed signal(s) will be
sent via the stereo bus and output from the [STE-
REO OUT] jacks, [MONITOR OUT] jacks, and
[PHONES] jack; other channels will be muted. With
this setting, you won’t be able to monitor channels
that are not assigned to the stereo bus, or channels
whose [ON] key is turned off.
This setting is convenient when you want everything
except for the specified channel(s) to be muted.
If you selected RECORDING SOLO mode in
step 3, use the SOLO MODE field to select
the point from which the soloed signal will
be sent.
Use the following two buttons of the SOLO MODE
field to select the send point.
• PRE FADER button
If this button is on, the pre-fader signal will be sent
to the Solo bus. In this case, the fader and pan set-
tings of each channel will be ignored, and the signal
that is output from the [MONITOR OUT] jacks and
the [PHONES] jack will be monaural.
• AFTER PAN button
If this button is on, the post-fader post-pan signal
will be sent to the Solo bus. In this case, the fader
and pan setting of each channel will affect the signal
that is sent from the [MONITOR OUT] jacks and the
[PHONES] jack.
Using the Solo function
• If RECORDING SOLO mode is selected, you can turn the
SOLO MODE field’s TRIM knob to adjust the signal level sent
to the Solo bus.