Operation–Setting mode
CtrlChg (Control Change message)
Use the main encoder or the pads to select the control change you want
to transmit. The range is 0–127. (☞p.4 “About the trigger pad
functions–Input numerical values”)
The selected parameter or the edited value will blink in the display.
Press the OCTAVE SHIFT/CURSOR [®] key to move to “Data”
(specify the value of the transmitted message).
Use the main encoder or the pads to specify the value of the message
that will be transmitted. The range is 0–127.
Press the OCTAVE SHIFT/CURSOR [®] key to proceed to “MIDI
Channel” (specify the MIDI channel).
Use the main encoder or the pads to select the MIDI channel on which
the control change message will be transmitted. The range is 1–16 (ch).
Press the [ENTER] key to apply the settings.
If you decide to cancel, press the [EXIT] key to return to Play mode.
If you want to keep the changes you’ve made, save them in Scene mode.
If you turn off the power or select a different scene without saving, your
changes will be discarded. For details, see “Scene mode–[16] WRITE”
ProgChg (Program Change message)
Use the main encoder or the pads to input the program number you
want to transmit. The range is 1–128. (☞p.4 “About the trigger pad
functions–Input numerical values”)
You can also press the [HEX LOCK] key and input the value in
hexadecimal form.
Press the OCTAVE SHIFT/CURSOR [®] key to proceed to “MIDI
Channel” (specify the MIDI channel).
Use the main encoder or the pads to select the MIDI channel on which
the program change message will be transmitted. The range is 1–16
(ch). (☞p.4 “About the trigger pad functions–Input numerical values”)
Press the [ENTER] key to apply the settings.
If you decide to cancel, press the [EXIT] key to return to Play mode.