ASSIGN SW buttons
G-70 Music Workstation
The “display” of the button you pressed and held
already “lights”.
(1) To assign a function to the other button, press its
(2) Use the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial or the [DEC]/[INC] but-
tons to select one of the following functions:
● Off—The ASSIGN SW button in question has no function
at all.
● Rotary HB Slow/Fast—Allows you to select the slow or
fast speed of the Rotary effect. This only works if the
Harmonic Bars are being used by UP1, LW1 and/or MBS.
● Rotary HB On/Off—Allows you to switch the Rotary
effect on (first time) and off (second). This only works if
the Harmonic Bars are being used by UP1, LW1 and/or
● Fade In—Fade In is a function you may want to use
occasionally. While it is being performed, the assigned
button ([1] or [2]) flashes. Fading in means that the vol-
ume of both the Arranger (Style) and Keyboard parts
gradually increases, giving the impression that you have
been playing for a long time before what you play
becomes audible. The volume is automatically set to zero
and then gradually increased to the value specified with
the [MASTER¥VOLUME] knob. When the Fade In is com-
pleted, the indicator of the ASSIGN SW button goes dark.
● Fade Out—Fade Outs are extremely popular in pop
music, and the G-70 allows you to end a song just like
the original. To do so, press the assigned ASSIGN SW
button (it flashes). The volume then gradually decreases
until it reaches zero (indicator lights steadily).
● Scale Upper—Allows you to assign the selected Scale
Tune (see p. 71) setting to the three Upper parts.
● Scale Lower—Allows you to assign the selected Scale
Tune (see p. 71) setting to the three Lower parts.
● Half Bar on Fill In—The ASSIGN SW button allows you
to switch the Half Bar function on and off. Certain pop
songs in 4/4 contain bars that only last two beats. The
usual place for such a bar is between the first and the
second verse. Another favorite position for “halved” bars
is at the end of a chorus or the bridge. Your G-70 allows
you to faithfully reproduce these “anomalies” using this
function. This does not change Style playback right
away. Only when a Fill-In starts will the Half Bar func-
tion be activated and play half the number of beats of
the fill you selected.
● Arranger Hold—Allows you to switch the Arranger Hold
function on and off. See p. 80.
● Dynamic Arranger—Allows you to switch the Dynamic
Arranger function on and off. See page 81 for details.
● Arr Chord Off—Allows you to switch the Arranger’s
chord recognition off, in which case only the drum/per-
cussion of the selected Music Style keeps playing (or can
be used). See page 80.
● Arranger RIT Tempo—Allows you to start the Arranger’s
RIT function page 82.
● Arranger ACC Tempo—Allows you to start the
Arranger’s ACC function page 82.
● Reset/Start Tempo—This function allows you have the
Arranger start on the first beat of the currently selected
Music Style pattern when you press the ASSIGN SW but-
ton. Use it when you are accompanying a singer or solo-
ist whose timing is a little shaky, and suddenly notice
that the Arranger lags one or two beats behind the
● Keyboard Exchange UP2/1—Allows you to switch off
the UP1 part and activate the UP2 part – and vice versa.
Note: If neither UP1 nor UP2 are on when you first press
the ASSIGN SW button, one of them is activated.
● Keyboard Exchange LW2/1—Allows you to switch off
the LW1 part and activate the LW2 – and vice versa.
Note: If neither LW1 nor LW2 are on when you first press
the ASSIGN SW button, one of them is activated.
● MBass/Keyboard Arranger—Allows you to set the
Arranger Chord parameter to “Off” (chord recognition as
well as ABS recognition off, see p. 80) and, at the same
time, select the SPLIT Keyboard mode and activate the
MBS part – and vice versa.
Note: Pressing the ASSIGN SW button you assign this func-
tion to does not mean that the Arranger stops. If you
switched on the Arr Hold function (page 80), the last recog-
nized chord will go on sounding, so that your MBS part may
drown in the accompaniment. We therefore suggest you
assign the “Arranger Hold” function (see above) to the other
ASSIGN SW button and use it to switch off the Arranger
Hold function, so that the Arranger only plays the drum
pattern of the selected Music Style.
● Piano/Standard—By pressing the ASSIGN SW button,
you alternate between the Standard and Piano Style
Arranger Chord modes. When the former is selected, the
chord recognition area (page 80) is automatically set to
LEFT. When you switch to Piano Style, the chord recogni-
tion area is automatically set to WHOLE. Furthermore,
the Upper 1 part is activated (if it was off).
(3) Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.