114 Chapter 2
Command Definitions A-B
TEMP Indicates that the file is created as a temporary file and is saved in the
job/session temporary file domain when closed. The default is that a
permanent file is created.
dsdevice The device class name or logical device number used to open a
communications link to a remote computer that contains the source file.
The default is the local system, or the computer on which the transfer
request originates. A # symbol is a delimiter between the file name of the
remote computer and the remote device file name.
device Either the devclass or ldev on which the file is to reside. A device class name
(devclass), such as DISC consists of up to eight alphanumeric characters
beginning with an alphabetic character. The DEV= parameter does not
accept device names, volume classes, or volume names. When you specify
devclass, the file is allocated to any available device in that class. If you are
opening a file destined for a mountable volume, you must specify a device
class that includes the drives upon which the home volume set is mounted.
The file is then allocated to any of the home volume set's volumes that fall
within that device class.
The logical device number (ldev) consists of a one to three number
specifying a particular device. Default is the device class name DISC.
filecode A code indicating a specially formatted file. This code is recorded in the file
label and is available to processes accessing the file through the
FFILEINFO or FGETINFO intrinsic. Although any user can specify a
positive integer ranging from 0 to 32,767 or a mnemonic name for this
parameter, certain reserved integers and mnemonics have particular
system defined meanings.
Default is the unreserved file code of 0.
Using 1090 (LOG) as your designated file code may not yield the number of
records you specify in the DISC= parameter. Most files use the number of
records specified in the DISC= parameter as the maximum limit; user
logging uses this specified number as a minimum.
numrec The maximum number of logical records in a new file. The maximum for
fixed length and undefined length records is 2,147,483,647. The default is
numextents Maximum number of disk extents. You may specify a value of -1, or any
number from 1 to 32. Default is 8.
initialloc Number of extents to be initially allocated to the file at the time that it is
opened. If you specify -1 for this parameter, the default value is used.
RIO or NORIO RIO creates a relative I/O file, which is a special file access method
primarily used by COBOLII programs. You can, however, access these files
from programs written in any language. Specifying RIO implicitly changes
the record length parameter to F, or fixed length record. The default,
NORIO, creates a nonrelative I/O file.