384 Chapter 5
Command Definitions L-O
Creates a new group within an account.
NEWGROUP groupname [.acctname] [ ;PASS=[ password] ] [ ;FILES=[ filespace] ] [ ;CPU=
[ cpu] ] [ ;CONNECT=[ connect] ] [ ;CAP=[ capabilitylist] ] [ ;ACCESS=[ (fileaccess)]][
;ONVS=volumesetname] [ ;HOMEVS=volumesetname]
groupname The name of the new group, which must consist of one to eight
alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character.
acctname The account in which the group is to reside. System manager (SM)
capability is required to use this parameter.
password Group password, used for verifying logon access only. Default is that no
password is assigned.
capabilitylist A list of capability-class attributes, consisting of any or all of the following:
IA, BA, PM, MR, DS, or PH, where:
Process Handling = PH
Extra Data Segments = DS
Multiple RINS = MR
Privileged Mode = PM
Interactive Access = IA
Local Batch Access = BA
This list imposes a limit on program files belonging to the group. A
capability cannot be assigned to the group if it has not been defined for the
account in which the group resides. Default is IA, BA.
filespace Disk storage limit, in sectors, for the permanent files of the group. You
cannot specify a filespace for a group that is greater than the limits
currently defined for the group's account. Default is a storage limit
equivalent to the account's filespace.
cpu The limit on the total cumulative CPU-time, in seconds, for the group. This
limit is checked only when a job or session is initiated; the limit never
causes a job/session to abort. The maximum value you may specify with
this command is 2,147,483,647 seconds. If the limit is exceeded, users with
account manager capability are warned when logging on; other users are
denied access.
The CPU limit for a group cannot be set to a value greater than the
corresponding limit currently defined for the account in which that group
resides. Default is unlimited CPU-time. The counter may be set to zero
with the RESETACCT command.