
536 Chapter 7
Command Definitions S-SO
Saves a file in the permanent system file domain.
SAVE{ $OLDPASS,newfilereference tempfilereference }
$OLDPASS A system-defined temporary file. After this file is saved, it can no longer be
referenced by the name $OLDPASS.
newfile-reference New actual file designator assigned to $OLDPASS when it is made
permanent. Its format is:
If groupname is used, it must indicate a group to which you have save
access, as defined by your account manager. If groupname is omitted, the
logon group is assigned.
reference Actual file designator of the temporary file to be made a permanent file
under the same designator. The file is deleted from the job/session
temporary file domain and entered into the system file domain. Its format
If groupname is used, it must indicate a group to which you have save
access, as defined by your account manager. If groupname is omitted, the
logon group is assigned.
Operation Notes
The SAVE command saves a temporary file by converting it to a permanent file in the
system file domain. This command is necessary when the subsystem or program that
created your file does not allow you to save it while the program is executing.
You must specify a new filename for $OLDPASS, because MPE/iX does not allow $OLDPASS
as a permanent file name. If there is a file in the temporary domain with the same name
specified by newfilereference, MPE/iX attempts to save $OLDPASS by creating a new
temporary file. This temporary file name, created by SAVE, starts with S and is followed by
seven digits: Sdddhhmm, where ddd is the Julian day of the year, hh is the hour of the day,
and mm is the minute. The new temporary file is then saved under the file name specified
by newfilereference, and is deleted from the temporary domain. If both temporary and
permanent files exist under the same name specified by newfilereference, the temporary
SAVE file is saved as a permanent file. In this case, a printed error message states the file
name for the new SAVE file. It can be renamed later using the RENAME command.