
Chapter 8 711
Command Deļ¬nitions SP-Z
Sends an urgent message to jobs/sessions.
WARN{ @[#] Jnnn [#] Snnn [ jsname,] user.acct }[;message]
@ All users receive the message (including those running in QUIET mode).
#Jnnn A job number (assigned by MPE/iX) for the job that is to receive the
#Snnn A session number (assigned by MPE/iX) for the job that is to receive the
message. Only jobs submitted on interactive devices can receive messages.
jsname, user.acct The names of the job/session and user to receive the message and the
account name under which they are running. (These names are the same
as those entered with the JOB or HELLO command.) If several users are
running under the same job/session identity, MPE/iX sends the message to
all of them.
message The message text, consisting of any string of ASCII characters containing
no more than 67 characters. The message is terminated by
Return. Default
is that no message is printed.
Operation Notes
Sends an urgent message, interrupting any current pending read or write in progress. The
message appears on the list devices of all sessions (even those that are QUIET) as:
Messages sent with the WARN command are received by a job only if the job was submitted
on an interactive device.
The user has the option of running a session in QUIET mode. In that case, TELL messages
from other users are suppressed. WARN messages generated at the system console,
however, override QUIET mode.
NOTE Use caution when sending a warning to users. The WARN command overrides
a block mode screen.
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break
has no effect on this command. It may be issued only from the console unless distributed to
users with the ALLOW command.