Chapter 8 655
Command Definitions SP-Z
example, if the backup disk file specified was /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY, and
STORE ran out of room, it would create /SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY.2,
/SYS/BACKUPS/DAILY.3, and so on. The additional files are HFS-named
TurboSTORE/iX 7x24 True-Online Backup must be used to create disk
SHOW Specifies that STORE is to report information for every file that is stored. If
you omit the SHOW parameter, then only the names of the files not stored
are listed, along with the number of files stored and the number of files not
stored. This listing is sent to $STDLIST (formal file designator SYSLIST)
unless a FILE command is entered to send the listing to some other device.
For instance, if you enter the following file equation before issuing the
STORE command, the listing will be sent to a line printer.
showparmlist Tells STORE what information to display for the files that are stored. If you
specify ;SHOW and omit showparmlist, then the default is SHORT if the
recordsize of SYSLIST is less than 132 characters, or LONG if the recordsize
is equal to or greater than 132 characters. The format for showparmlist is:
showparm [,showparm[,showparm[,...]
where showparm may be one of the options described below.
If an HFS-named file is specified in the filesetlist, or the expansion of a
wildcard includes an HFS-named file, then an HFS-style output listing
will be used. This listing shows the same information as the MPE format,
but puts the name of the file at the right end of the listing to allow for
longer HFS names. If an HFS name is too long to fit in the record size of
the output file, it will be wrapped onto the next line. Wrapping is signified
by a "*" as the last character on the line.
showparm SHORT Overrides a default of LONG and displays file name, group
name, account name or the fully qualified path name,
volume restrictions, file size (in sectors), file code, and
media number.
LONG Overrides a default of SHORT and displays all the
information that SHORT does and adds record size,
blocking factor, number of extents allowed, allocated, end-
of-file, and file starting and ending media number.
NAMESONLY Displays only the filename and the starting and ending
media number. NAMESONLY is not allowed with SHORT or
DATES Displays the creation date, the last date of access, and the
last date of modification.