Chapter 2 53
Command Definitions A-B
Table 2-2 Default Parameters for the ALTACCT Command
Any value changed with the ALTACCT command takes effect the next time MPE/iX is
requested to check the value. If an attribute is removed from an account while users are
logged on, they are not affected until they log off their current job or session and log on
again. MPE/iX does not automatically generate a message informing users of the change;
it is your responsibility to warn account members in advance of any changes. If you take a
capability away from an account, all account members and groups within the account are
denied the capability the next time that they log onto the account.
You cannot remove system manager (SM) capability from the SYS account or account
manager (AM) capability from any account. From within any account, you can remove AM
capability from all but one (the last) of the users assigned it. It is possible, however, to
remove AM capability from all users in an account, but only if you do so from another
account that has SM capability.
NOTE If you specify volume-related commands or parameters for a volume set that
is not currently mounted, or for an account that does not exist, MPE/iX
returns an error message.
This command may be issued from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing Break
has no effect on this command. System manager (SM) capability is required to use this
To change an account named AC2 so that its password is GLOBALX, and its filespace is limited
to 50,000 sectors, enter:
Parameter Default Values
password No password
filespace Unlimited
cpu Unlimited
connect Unlimited
capabilitylist AM, AL, GL, SF, ND, IA, BA (All accounts except SYS)
SM, AM, AL, GL, DI, OP, SF, ND, PH, DS, MR, PM (SYS account only)
fileaccess (R,A,W,L,X:AC) (All accounts except SYS)
(R,X:ANY;A,W,L:AC) (SYS account only)
subqueuename CS subqueue
localattribute 0 (null)