
210 Chapter 3
Command Definitions C-E
Downloads format information to a line printer.
DOWNLOAD ldev[,filename ,MARGIN=nn ] [ ,...]
ldev The logical device number of the output device. This device must be an HP
2608 or HP 2563 Line Printer.
filename The fully qualified name of a file containing the download control
nn The print position that the first byte of data assumes. This number can be
between 1 and 16, inclusive. Note that the HP 2608 hardware
documentation discusses a margin offset which varies from 0-15. This
offset is not relevant to the margin parameter of the DOWNLOAD command,
as the software compensates for the hardware offset of nn -1.
Operation Notes
The operator uses the DOWNLOAD command to transmit format information to system
printers only. It cannot be used with remote printers.
The vertical format control (VFC) image file (filename) can define the margin setting as well
as the VFC image on an HP 2608A or HP 2608S Line Printer. The number of print lines
per form is limited to 127. Although the HP 2608S printer recognizes the DOWNLOAD
command, Hewlett-Packard recommends controlling the HP 2608S with an environment
file rather than the DOWNLOAD command. You cannot download a VFC file to an HP 2631B
printer, only the MARGIN=nn is allowed.
If the MARGIN=nn parameter is specified on an HP 2608A or HP 2608S, and a MARGIN
record has also been specified in the VFC file, the MARGIN record in the VFC file overrides
the MARGIN parameter of the DOWNLOAD command. This parameter should only be used in
cases where there is no MARGIN record in the VFC file.
When a particular print job has requirements for forms and/or a VFC file, the user
indicates this need by way of a FORMS message. Refer to "Examples."
CAUTION Do not issue a DOWNLOAD command to an HP 2608S while a spoolfile is
ACTIVE. This makes the device UNAVAILABLE, and it remains so until the
system is restarted with a START RECOVERY.