
Chapter 5 355
Command Definitions L-O
Produces a listing of input and output spooled files. (Native Mode)
LISTSPF[ [ IDNAME=] { spoolid (spoolid[,spoolid]...)}][[;SELEQ=] { select-eq
^indirect_file } ] [ ;DETAIL ;STATUS ]
NOTE This command follows the optional MPE/iX command line syntax. Refer to
"Optional Format for MPE/iX Commands" at the beginning of this chapter.
Parameter Definitions
spoolid One or more spool file IDs: #Innn for input spool files or #Onnn for output
spool files. These IDs are assigned by the spooling subsystem at spool file
creation time. The # is optional; but if it is used, an O or I must also be
used. If it is not used, the O is also optional for output spool files; that is, if
neither [#]O nor [#]I is specified, then [#]O is assumed.
The symbol @ may be used to specify all spool files.
The symbol O@ may be used to specify all output spool files.
The symbol I@ may be used to specify all input spool files.
If @, O@, or I@ is specified, it must be the only SPOOLID value supplied.
@, O@, and I@ are mutually exclusive.
If you specify duplicate SPOOLIDs, the system displays a warning
A user with SM or OP capability or a console user who specifies O@ will
see all output spool files on the system. A user with AM capability who
specifies O@ will see all output spool files created by users in the same
account. All other users are limited to files they have created. Similar
rules apply to I@ and @. The default is all the output spool files created by
the current user.account. The default SPOOLID for the console user is all the
output spool files on the system.
select-eq The selection equation is used as a filter on the set of spool files selected.
Only spool files whose attributes satisfy all filter requirements will be
When you use a selection equation, enclose the entire equation in square
brackets, and enclose individual keyword specifications (such as
PAGES<100) in parentheses. For example, you use the following command
to display all the output spool files from user.acct that have less than
100 pages: